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Hi! I’m the Author Coach, and this is the Self Publishing Checklist.
Let’s just get this out of the way right now– I am not trying to sell you anything. I am here to offer you totally free information and resources with the hope that you will learn the business of self-publishing. I have been self-publishing for almost 20 years and have seen the industry (and authors) grow and evolve into a unique opportunity.
If you want me to consult on your book, that is a service I offer (for a fee), and I am happy to talk to you about that, but I do not think you need that! I’m confident that you can learn the whole process yourself. Do not let vanity publishers tell you that the process is “too hard” and that you need to pay them $5,000 for a “package.” They are not doing anything for you that you can’t do for yourself! Self-publishing is just a set of skills you can absolutely master, and I think you should!
With all that being said, I’m happy to take a look at your book if you would like to contact me. I actually really love troubleshooting books that aren’t selling.